الباحث أحمد مخارش يحصل على الدكتوراه بامتياز في الاتصال الجماهيري من أمريكا

حصل الباحث أحمد عمر مخارش على درجة الدكتوراه في الاتصال الجماهيري بامتياز مع درجة الشرف من جامعة جنوب ولاية ميسيسيبي بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
وتمكن الباحث احمد من نيل درجة الدكتوراه عبر رسالته الموسومة بـــ " مساهمات المواطنين العرب في الصحافة الاستقصائية".
وهدفت دراسة الباحث أحمد إلى قياس وعي المواطن العربي بالصحافة الإستقصائية واستقراء مدى رغبته في المشاركة في صحافة الاستقصاء وعدم رضاه حول واقع الاعلام العربي.
ونشر الباحث خلال إقامته العلمية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أبحاثًا علمية عدد من المجلات المحكمة متمثلة في:
Makharesh, A. (2023). Trends in the Arab Investigative Reporting: The Role of Investigative Reporting in Political Reform in the Arab World. Journal of Afro-Asian Studies. https://democraticac.de/?p=92949
Makharesh, A. (2023). Collaborations in Investigative Reporting: An Exploratory Case Study of Arab Investigative Citizens. Journal of Afro-Asian Studies. https://democraticac.de.w0124385.kasserver.com/?p=91513
Alzyoud, S., & Makharesh, A. (2023). Racism as a tool: The myth of race to improve companies profiles and stifle the dilemma. Journal of Management Information & Decision Sciences, 26(2). https://www.abacademies.org/articles/racism-as-a-tool-the-myth-of-race-to-improve-companies-profiles-and-stifle-the-dilemma-15702.html
Makharesh, A. O., Alharethi, M., & Campbell, C. (2022). Ideologies and Stereotypes of Arab culture in the media: An analysis of Coke's 2013 Super Bowl commercial. Journal of Management Information & Decision Sciences, 25(3). https://www.abacademies.org/articles/ideologies-and-stereotypes-of-arab-culture-in-the-media-an-analysis-of-cokes-2013-super-bowl-commercial-14631.html
Makharesh, A. (2018). Arab citizen's Perceptions of the Investigative Journalism. Arkansas State University. https://www.proquest.com/openview/4b8b18303de8dcfdfb1cf9f17bf01a6d/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750
Ahmad, A. K., AL-Ameer, A., Alabed-Alrahman, A., Alzyoud, S. Makharesh, A. Media Coverage of the 2021 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Content Analysis into the Online Version of Newspapers in Jordan. Studies in Media and Communication Journal. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372310210_Media_Coverage_of_the_2021_Palestinian-Israeli_Conflict_A_Content_Analysis_Into_the_Online_Version_of_Newspapers_in_Jordan
Alzyoud, S., Safori, A., Makharesh, A., Ahmad, A. K.. The Concept of New Media among Jordanian News Producers. Journal of Digital Media Policy. https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/jdmp_00128_1#:~:text=The%20findings%20indicate%20that%20Jordanian,professional%20journalism%20and%20social%20media
كما شارك في عدد من المؤتمرات داخل الولايات وخارجها
1- Makharesh, A. (Accepted to GIJC 2023). Trends in the Arab Investigative
2- Reporting: The Role of Investigative Reporting in Political Reform in the Arab World, which has been accepted to the Annual 12th Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. https://democraticac.de/?p=92949
3- Makharesh, A. (Submitted to GIJC 2023). Collaborations in Investigative Reporting: An Exploratory Case Study of Arab Investigative Citizens’, which has been accepted to the Annual 12th Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. https://democraticac.de.w0124385.kasserver.com/?p=91513
4- Makharesh, A. (2022, April). Arab Media Coverage of Nancy Ajram’s Husband vs. Journalist Jamal Khashoggi. [Paper presentation]. Southern States Communication Association, Greenville, South Carolina. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
5- Makharesh, A. (2022, April). The Reality of Women’s Press in Yemen: Tough Situations, Discriminations, and Oppressions Faced by Yemeni Women Journalists. [Paper presentation]. Southern States Communication Association, Greenville, South Carolina. Publication In Progress
6- Makharesh, A, & Pitts, M.J.(2019, October). Arab Citizens’ Perceptions of the Investigative Journalism. [Paper presentation]. The Annual 11th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, Hamburg, Germany. https://ijec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/AcademicReaderGIJC19.pdf#page=153
7- Makharesh, A, & Pitts, M.J. (2019, April). Arab Citizens' Satisfactions and Motivations about Investigative Journalism. [Paper presentation]. Western Social Science Association Conference, San Diego, California. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
8- Makharesh, A, Elhersh, G. (2018, April). Print, Broadcast Convergence in the Newsroom: A Case Analysis of Northwestern Missouri State University. [Paper presentation]. Western Social Science Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
9- Alhumaid, B, & Makharesh, A. (2018, April). The Impact of Citizen Journalism on News Production. [Paper presentation]. Western Social Science Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
10- Makharesh, A, & Pitts, M.J.(2018, October). Knowing or Not Knowing: Arab citizens’ Perceptions of Investigative Journalism. [Paper presentation]. Global Fusion Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
11- Makharesh, A, & Pitts, M.J.(2018, April). An Exploratory Study into Sayidaty Media Campaign to Stop the Minors’ Marriage in the Arab World. [Paper presentation]. Southern States Communication Association, Nashville, Tennessee. It was presented but Not Published Yet!
وتبعث المؤسسة تهانيها الحارة إلى الباحث أحمد عمر مخارش لحصوله على درجة الدكتوراه في الإتصال الجماهيري من جامعة ولاية ميسيسيبي بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وأن يكون أحد عناصر التغيير الإيجابي في مجتمعه.