The Researcher "Ben Sheikh Abu Bakr" participates in the conference of science and technology in Malaysia
Dr. Tariq Alawi bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr participated in the three-day academic conference of the College of Science and Technology at the University Kebangsan Malaysia (UKM)
The researcher Tariq participated in a scientific paper entitled "The effect of two different drying methods on the approximate composition of Biofloc"
The researcher pointed out that participation in scientific conferences during the doctoral stage, which is a research stage with distinction increases the skill of scientific research by the researcher and enable him to address the problem of research in a scientific way
He added that our aim to participate in such conferences is to provide theoretical literature for the scientific heritage in our various disciplines
The researcher is one of the scholarship teachers of Hadhramaut Foundation for Human Development to Malaysia to study the doctorate since 2018 within the program of rehabilitation and development of teaching staff at the University of Hadhramaut
The researcher works as a teacher in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology at Hadhramaut University