The Ph.D. is for researcher Abdullah Al-Haj from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
Hadhramout Foundation - Human Development Scholarship researcher Abdullah Hadi Zaid Al-Haj obtained a Ph.D. from the Missouri University of Science and Technology in the United States of America, majoring in geological engineering.
The researcher's thesis, entitled "Using the Specific Resistivity Method to Determine Potential Water Paths in the Karstic Rocky Environment," dealt with the use of the specific resistivity method to determine the locations of low resistivity measurements and their possible relationships to natural or anthropogenic factors on the surface in the karst environment.
By studying karstic sites using traditional geophysical and geotechnical methods, the researcher presented a research participation in the 34th SAGEEP conference, which specialized in geophysics applications to solve engineering and environmental problems in Denver, Colorado, USA, in March 2022.
Furthermore, Al-Haj contributed during his studies by publishing in Scholars’ Mine, SHMII, IJSR, SEG, ScienceDirect, Hindawi, and ASTM.
In fact, this specialization in geological engineering is concerned with the study of the science of applying engineering principles to study and solve problems related to the Earth's interior. This science is included in the fields of environmental, geotechnical, mining, geophysical, and oil engineering.
With this, Hadhramout Foundation - Human Development congratulates Abdullah Al-Hajj for obtaining a doctorate degree and wishes him continued success and that his knowledge will benefit the country and the people.