Sponsored by the office of the Ministry of Education in Hadhramout Governorate, Hadhramout Foundation - Human Development organizes the first phase of the Maharat program (Skills Program)


Early this week, the first phase of the Maharat program (Skills Program) was organized by Hadhramout Foundation - Human Development for students of model secondary schools and pivotal schools, for the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023 AD. The course targeted 327 students from the first level in model secondary schools in the coast and valley of Hadhramout, with a self-management, personal organization and etiquette course, in which elite trainers participate. The course aims to introduce the concepts of self-management, personal organization and etiquette, and the most important methods of working with them, and to provide participants with the knowledge and values that help them in personal planning and effective time management, mastery of behavior, and classy dealing with others.


Within the program matrix for the first semester of the new academic year, various training courses will be implemented for secondary school students at its three levels, including: self-management, personal organization, etiquette, presentation arts, first aid for the first level, communication skills courses, internet surfing skills, and first aid for the second level, courses for choosing a university specialization, the mechanism for applying for international scholarships, writing C.V.s and conducting interviews, and principles of scientific research for the third level.


The activities of the Maharat Program (Skills Program), which was launched by Hadhramout Foundation - Human Development last year, revolve around the belief of those in charge of Hadhramout Foundation in the importance of life, personal and communication skills for students, which are integrated with high educational attainment, so model students are able to keep pace with requirements of university studies, life and work, and keep pace with the global changes in various fields.